Wednesday, January 2, 2013

33 1/3 Cents a Pound Episode 01

Here it is, the first (new) episode of my radio show! I've thought about doing this for a while, and started talking about it a few months ago. I just posted the first episode of the all new 33 1/3 Cents a Pound, my radio show. It's just a recorded podcast right now, not a live streaming broadcast, but that's ok. This is how I create the show.

Listen to it on the mixcloud site or play it below.

On mobile? Get the Apple Mixcloud App or the Android Mixcloud App and follow JoeSoHeady.

If you want to download it, I can make it available on dropbox. Check back for Episode 02 coming soon!

If I ever get any information wrong or mispronounce a name, please correct me.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I think my voice and personality come across kind of weak in this episode. That's understandable, given that I haven't done a show in a long time. I think it's bound to improve once I get back in the swing of things.
